Minnesota Transfer Curriculum
Faculty / Administration Credentials
The provisions of this publication were prepared on the basis of the best information as of the date of publication; however information in this publication may be amended at any time by appropriate action of the faculty, the college administration, the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board, or the Minnesota Legislature.
When such changes occur, every reasonable effort will be made to notify the student body, however, Rochester Community and Technical College reserves the right to change any information, including a statement of fees, course offerings, and admission and graduation requirements, without notice or obligation. This publication is not a legal document and does not constitute a contract between the College and the user.
The information in this catalog is for use as an academic planning tool and is subject to change at any time. Please consult appropriate departments and offices for final policies, procedures, and deadlines.
Alternative Format
Information contained in this catalog can be made available in alternative formats by calling the 皇冠hg2020手机app下载 Disability Support Services at 507-280-2968.